Dear Mom, I’m going to honor you while you’re alive

There were so many times when it felt like we were already going to lose you… [and] being reminded of our mortality just makes it all the more important to not take any of this for granted. So, while others honor their parents and other loved ones after they’re gone, I’m going to honor you, Mom, while you’re still alive.

This song I absolutely must share

For the first time ever, I attended two church services in one day today. I’m still reflecting on and processing everything I’d heard and felt over those two services, but in the meantime, I just need to share this song and lyrics with you all, in case it helps inspire some of you for your own journey ahead.

Dear 2017 Me,

If 2015 was your year of breaking into life again, 2016 was your year of purposefully driving on high gear. As you begin what promises to be an EPIC 2017, here I am, again, gently asking you to pause, reflect, and be ready for what’s to come.

Dear 2016 Me,

We capped off an amazing 2015—what we call our “best adult year ever, so far”—filled with love, joy, confidence, clarity (at least a little bit more), and hope. We know that the year that had passed is really just a preview of what’s to come; we know that the best years of our life are…

“Dreamboarding” and the “power of cut-and-paste”

Since it’s the first weekend of the year—and, therefore, perfect for such an activity—I’ll be sharing with you some of my own Dreamboarding techniques, plus insights based on some of my previously published pieces. I hope you’ll enjoy the process as much as I do. 🙂 (And if you have questions, just leave a comment and I’ll get back to you right away :))