A Love Letter to My Longest Relationship (So Far): My Mom

“Mom, do you realize that I’m your longest relationship?” Do you remember how I tried to make this a joke last week, Mom, when Fr. Ted came to anoint you? I tried to crack a joke and make you smile–because you were always the naughty one who made the craziest, most inappropriate jokes at the…

Dear Mom, I’m going to honor you while you’re alive

There were so many times when it felt like we were already going to lose you… [and] being reminded of our mortality just makes it all the more important to not take any of this for granted. So, while others honor their parents and other loved ones after they’re gone, I’m going to honor you, Mom, while you’re still alive.

A Letter to a Young Leader (and a Timely Note to Self)

Have you ever written something years ago–that you had already forgotten about, but that had resurfaced at what seems to be just the right time, as a reminder for YOU?

That’s how I felt when a young man named Biboy reached out to me recently, thanking me for something I had written in 2013 that he had kept close to his heart.

The Power of Cut and Paste

“Did you ever wake up one day, shocked to realize that you no longer recognized who you were or the life you were living?

“That was me in 2013.”

The journey to dreaming, daring, and doing is never easy. In this August 2017 issue of Good Housekeeping, I dared to look back and tell the painful story of where it all began… and what I’ve learned from that journey. Am forever grateful to Good Housekeeping Philippines for giving me the space to share this. 🙂